Over 200 friends on Crackbook!

Facebook has taken over the lives of people who were once outgoing, social, and went out to meet people. Those same people are now updating their status on Facebook, poking people and sending messages instead of using the phone or regular email. I’ve added over 200 friends on Facebook without even noticing the hours wasted on the site. I guess the first step is admitting you have a problem. Next step? I will be admitting myself to a Crackbook rehab facility in the near future.

Here is some links to the affects of Facebook in recent news:
Facebook banned for Ontario staffers
Beware employer snooping

Want to work for Google?

A friend of mine emailed me a clip from Oprah’s show talking about how it would be to work at Google. Life in Mountain View California doesn’t look too bad ๐Ÿ™‚ According to Oprah, Google receives 1300 resumes a day. Take a look at the YouTube cause this place speaks for itself.

Nazara has taken over my blog!

After a month of watching Nazara eat, sleep and poo, we decided to take her to a photo studio for some professional shots. If there is a business you’re thinking of taking on, this is the one. Parents are at the mercy of these professional photographers who can charge a King’s ransom for these pics. Luckily the place we found took it easy on us … kinda ;). I had to go back and buy the digital copy of the pics and post them for everyone to see. As you can tell, we are pretty happy with the results from the photo shoot.

Nazara Studio Nazara Studio Nazara-Studio6 Nazara-Studio

It’s a girl!

This is the text message that I sent out at 1:18am on Thursday April 12th, 2007:

Just met the girl of my dreams. 7 pounds and 6 ounces. Mother and daughter are doing fine.

Dad is exhausted but will put up more pictures very soon. Nazara (aka Zahra) is now home in her new room and getting ready to see some visitors in the next weeks and months to come. Special thanks to the grandparents, my sister and sister-in-law for making this the most memorable experience of our lives. And a heartfelt thank-you to our uncle Prem Sagar for suggesting the name Nazara, it’s the perfect name for our lil princess : )

IM002882-1Nazara, April 12 2007IM002894HPIM0174 Baby Kaila, April 12 2007 001 IM002888

Nazร„ยra means beautiful sight or a vision of beauty;

Playing poker online

For those that love playing poker online and with friends may want to check this out. If you were ever curious about playing for real money online, you should check out this site to get $100 free money to on Party Poker without using your credit card. This way you can find out whether you are cut out for online poker without using your credit card or losing your shirt. Good Luck. By the way, I am not responsible for you spending your entire weekend playing online poker. You have been warned.

Buying stuff online from the States

I know a lot of friends and family want to buy stuff on Ebay or Amazon that only ships to the U.S. Here is the best way to ship something if you live in the Greater Vancouver Area.

1. There is a place in Blaine called Hagens of Blaine.
2. Call 360-332-5246 and register your name and phone number with them (doesn’t cost anything to register).
3. They will give you this address to use when you want stuff shipped: 816 Peace Portal Dr., Blaine Wa, 98230
4. Add this address to your credit card as a confirmed shipping address.
5. Hagens will charge you $2 to hold the package and they’ll call you (for an extra $1) for you to pick it up. This is on top of whatever shipping that is added by wherever u bought it.

You can also setup a mailbox (around $10/month) and get all sorts of magazines delivered there (for super cheap). You can find cheap magazine subscriptions on eBay.

The Evil Blog Contest for a Nintendo Wii

My friend Tejpal from 1234Pens.com who makes promotional pens decided to give away a Nintendo Wii as part of his online promotional campaign. I believe Web 2.0 is here and people like John Chow (aka the root of all evil) has mastered search engine optimization. Since I have a large gaping whole in my entertainment stand ready for a Nintendo Wii I thought it was a great time to write a post, help out a friend and get myself a Nintendo Wii ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks Tejpal and John Chow.