The latest version of Picasa 3 from Google will help you get the most out of your digital pictures. You can use Kodak Gallery to upload your favourite pics and get them directly from your nearest Futureshop. For Canadians, you will need to upload your prints to the U.S. version of Kodak Gallery. Once uploaded, you can login to the Canadian version of the Kodak website before you buy your digital prints. This will allow you to send the prints to the nearest Futureshop for free pickup. The app will help you make greeting cards, photo books and calendars quickly for any special occassion.
You can use Google to email your pics and Picasa will automatically resize them for easy viewing. Recently, I decided to backup my pictures to DVD and nothing was easier than using Picasa to burn the pictures to DVD.
For emailing pics, you can use Picasa to connect directly to your Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo account. Picasa will be automatically resize the pics before emailing them out to friends and family.
Other features include creating web albums, retouching your pics for red-eye removal, and adding watermarks to your photos.